2 ‘AMIBOOT.ROM’ file not found in root directory of diskette in A:
3 Base Memory error
4 Flash Programming successful
5 Floppy read error
6 Keyboard controller BAT command failed
7 No Flash EPROM detected
8 Floppy controller failure
9 Boot Block BIOS checksum error
10 Flash Erase error
11 Flash Program error
12 ‘AMIBOOT.ROM’ file size error
13 BIOS ROM image mismatch (file layout does not match image present in
flash device)
8.2 POST BIOS Beep Codes
Number of Beeps: Description
1 Memory refresh timer error.
2 Parity error in base memory (first 64KB block)
3 Base memory read/write test error
4 Motherboard timer not operational
5 Processor error
6 8042 Gate A20 test error (cannot switch to protected mode)
7 General exception error (processor exception interrupt error)
8 Display memory error (system video adapter)
9 AMIBIOS ROM checksum error
10 CMOS shutdown register read/write error
11 Cache memory test failed
8.2.1 Troubleshooting POST BIOS Beep Codes
Number of Beeps Troubleshooting Action
1, 2 or 3 Reseat the memory, or replace with known good modules.
4-7, 9-11 Fatal error indicating a serious problem with the system. Consult your
system manufacturer. Before declaring the motherboard beyond all
hope, eliminate the possibility of interference by a malfunctioning
add-in card. Remove all expansion cards except the video adapter.
• If beep codes are generated when all other expansion cards are
absent, consult your system manufacturer’s technical support.
• If beep codes are not generated when all other expansion cards are
absent, one of the add-in cards is causing the malfunction. Insert
the cards back into the system one at a time until the problem
happens again. This will reveal the malfunctioning card.
hope this helps out... sounds like a memory problem / or jumpers not set correctly for the memory... by the way.. you can find the manual on the ECS website and i googled the bios codes
У меня пищит один раз те дискета не опознаеться
пишу и читаю на одном и томже приводе може он ждет 5 дюм дискету
пытался форматировать format a:/u/F:720 пишет что не возможно записать нулевую дорожку хотя дискета нормальная
напишите пожалуйста если будут идеи почему не читает диск
Большое спасибо
Я именно так и делаю
звуковые сигналы Boot Block
8.1 Boot Block Beep Codes
Number of Beeps Description:
Number of Beeps:
1 Insert diskette in floppy drive A:
2 ‘AMIBOOT.ROM’ file not found in root directory of diskette in A:
3 Base Memory error
4 Flash Programming successful
5 Floppy read error
6 Keyboard controller BAT command failed
7 No Flash EPROM detected
8 Floppy controller failure
9 Boot Block BIOS checksum error
10 Flash Erase error
11 Flash Program error
12 ‘AMIBOOT.ROM’ file size error
13 BIOS ROM image mismatch (file layout does not match image present in
flash device)
8.2 POST BIOS Beep Codes
Number of Beeps: Description
1 Memory refresh timer error.
2 Parity error in base memory (first 64KB block)
3 Base memory read/write test error
4 Motherboard timer not operational
5 Processor error
6 8042 Gate A20 test error (cannot switch to protected mode)
7 General exception error (processor exception interrupt error)
8 Display memory error (system video adapter)
9 AMIBIOS ROM checksum error
10 CMOS shutdown register read/write error
11 Cache memory test failed
8.2.1 Troubleshooting POST BIOS Beep Codes
Number of Beeps Troubleshooting Action
1, 2 or 3 Reseat the memory, or replace with known good modules.
4-7, 9-11 Fatal error indicating a serious problem with the system. Consult your
system manufacturer. Before declaring the motherboard beyond all
hope, eliminate the possibility of interference by a malfunctioning
add-in card. Remove all expansion cards except the video adapter.
• If beep codes are generated when all other expansion cards are
absent, consult your system manufacturer’s technical support.
• If beep codes are not generated when all other expansion cards are
absent, one of the add-in cards is causing the malfunction. Insert
the cards back into the system one at a time until the problem
happens again. This will reveal the malfunctioning card.
hope this helps out... sounds like a memory problem / or jumpers not set correctly for the memory... by the way.. you can find the manual on the ECS website and i googled the bios codes
У меня пищит один раз те дискета не опознаеться
пишу и читаю на одном и томже приводе може он ждет 5 дюм дискету
пытался форматировать format a:/u/F:720 пишет что не возможно записать нулевую дорожку хотя дискета нормальная
напишите пожалуйста если будут идеи почему не читает диск