Доброй ночи, все таки решил я свою проблему с температурой, причина всему виной троян засевшей в папке
После удаления KIS2012 поставил себе Outpost PRO он мне и указал на этот файл типа, когда закрываю диспетчер задач этот файл рвется на удалённый IP и нагружает проц на 100% от этого и растёт температура, по гуглел чучуть напоролся на статью
Вот её цитата только на англиском
I just googled igfxupdate.exe and came up with what might be your problem. I shouldn't post links to other forums but this might help you.
This is not my post submission but somebody elses.
Hi, after several hours of attemps I think I finally found the offender:
much probably a Trojan Generic KDV 792778, it pretends to be the windows service "Search Indexer" and it creates the fake executable: "igfxupdate.exe" which tries to connect in internet and rises the cpu load all the time till you open the task manager to hide itself..
So I solved the problem like this:
in the windows services management console I disabled the above fake windows service (it was in automatic start mode) and after I deleted the igfxupdate.exe file that was in the windows system32 folder..
I rebooted the pc and I deleted the same service with the command: "sc delete SearchIndexer"..
problem solved! cpu back to normal level, not more unwanted connections and not more igfxupdate files around ..
anyway for more safety it's better to do also a complete scan with a good antivirus/malware software.
PS...Google is a valuable asset for looking up problems I just wish more would use it to its fullest potential.
Доброй ночи, все таки решил я свою проблему с температурой, причина всему виной троян засевшей в папке
После удаления KIS2012 поставил себе Outpost PRO он мне и указал на этот файл типа, когда закрываю диспетчер задач этот файл рвется на удалённый IP и нагружает проц на 100% от этого и растёт температура, по гуглел чучуть напоролся на статью
Вот её цитата только на англиском
I just googled igfxupdate.exe and came up with what might be your problem. I shouldn't post links to other forums but this might help you.
This is not my post submission but somebody elses.
Hi, after several hours of attemps I think I finally found the offender:
much probably a Trojan Generic KDV 792778, it pretends to be the windows service "Search Indexer" and it creates the fake executable: "igfxupdate.exe" which tries to connect in internet and rises the cpu load all the time till you open the task manager to hide itself..
So I solved the problem like this:
in the windows services management console I disabled the above fake windows service (it was in automatic start mode) and after I deleted the igfxupdate.exe file that was in the windows system32 folder..
I rebooted the pc and I deleted the same service with the command: "sc delete SearchIndexer"..
problem solved! cpu back to normal level, not more unwanted connections and not more igfxupdate files around ..
anyway for more safety it's better to do also a complete scan with a good antivirus/malware software.
PS...Google is a valuable asset for looking up problems I just wish more would use it to its fullest potential.
Сделал как тут описано и вооля все работает
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