Dear User,
More and more AMIBIOSes won't work with AMIBCP(Ami BIOS modifying program).
AMIBCP brings following error-message:
Checksum is bad.
How to modify following BIOSes that they can be opened with AMIBCP (again)?
(Where is the checksum inside/of following files? How was the checksum calculated?) ->"BlockbusterExcellent-xxxx"
Where is the checksum in "normal" AMIBIOSes which can be opened by AMIBCP without problems?
AMIBCP 7.xx.xx works properly with AMI BIOS Cores V6&V7 only!
Gericom BIOS is derivated from AMIBIOS Core 8.xx. If you'll find AMIBCP 8.xx for your library ( let us know immediately!
Oh...yes, you are right. I forgot to check them if they contain the string:
" AMIBIOSC0700 " or " AMIBIOSC0800 "
However, this BIOS-file:
contains following string: " AMIBIOSC0000 " & " AMIBIOSC0625 " and it cannot be opened by Amibcp. Why?
How to modify/fix AMIBIOS-update-files (with: AMIBIOSC0800) that thy can be opened with Amibcp 7 ?
Where is the checksum in AMIBIOS-files with: " AMIBIOSC0700 " and with " AMIBIOSC0800 "?
Please, translate this message into Russian too, thanks. : )
Medion BIOS (p85r107t.rom from file biop85.exe) is derivated from V6.25 core.
Thus you must use appropriative AMIBIOS Configuration Utility. It shows the next:
BIOS Date : 07/15/95
BIOS Name : I430TX
Processor : 80586
Major Version Number : 33
Identification String Line 1 : 51-3303-001159-00111111-071595-I430TX
Identification String Line 2 : 000-0-0000-00-00-0000-00-00-000
Identification String Line 3 : 000-0-0000-00-00-0000-00-00-00-0
BIOS Size : 128KB
Tag : 007_33_TRAJAN
BIOS ID=1159 -> Twinhead. (By the way BIOS size is 256 KB).
Trajan means "mobile TX" chip set.
Yeaaaaaahhh, I have got AMIBCP8 !!!!![:)](
and amimm tools for windows -> AMIBCP with windows32-gui.
...and much more really new AMI related tools
Ask me @
Люди, есть у кого то свежая версия amibcp(старше 7.51.03)?
в архиве у Борга куда меня послали ничего толкового не нашел по этому вопросу. Проблема связана с тем что не могу пропатчить ami bios материнки AsRock на KT880. Amibcp сообщает о checksum error
а патчер bp6.1 не может из-за этого пропатчить.
Online tranlators are not good enough to translate your message to English(or to German).
So, please translate to English and I may help you.
To Borg.
I have AMI Bios
Report from patcher
BIOS Patcher ver. 6.00.alpha_10. |for Award/Phoenix & AMI bioses|
Attention! Advanced qualification is required!
Found 2Mbit AMI BIOS!
Error 6 - The BIOS ROM file checksum is bad.
!! Module Manipulation Failure !!
Error 6 - The BIOS ROM file checksum is bad.
!! Module Manipulation Failure !!
Error 6 - The BIOS ROM file checksum is bad.
!! Module Manipulation Failure !!
Error 6 - The BIOS ROM file checksum is bad.
!! Module Manipulation Failure !!
0002>File not found
Give me please link to AmiBcp or send me AmiBcp by E-mail
I can not open bios file
in program AMIBCP v.2.25.
Program reports on error: Number of control option is out of limit.
Can you help me to solve a problem?
I have the same error![:(](
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