это конечно не бог весть какая ошибка, но кого-то может ввести в заблуждение
BIOS Patcher ver. 4.51.
Attention! Advanced qualification is required!
To run BIOS Patcher type: "bp patch_file [options]"
/a - select multiplayer for Mobile AMD processor: "/a3"=3.0x, "/k16.5"=16.5x etc
/b - skip add Bus_Disconnect for AMD K7/K8 CPUs
/c - manual add CPU Name (will be displayed for ALL CPUs!)
/d - not delete tmp-files
/e - show extended info (like using "cbrom.exe /d", without patching)
/f - skip add FID_Detect for AMD K7/K8 CPUs
/h - this "help-screen"
/g - skip delete BIOS CGA-font 8x8 (increase size of modul.tmp)
/k - select multiplayer for VIA C3 processor: "/k3.5"=3.5x, "/k12"=12x etc
/m - manually select items for patching (default - search/patching all puncts)
/o - change "original.tmp" to another file (N/A at the moment - in development)
/p - try add "+PCI" -option (RAM_freq > CPU_freq) to VIA 693A/694X/694T
/s - remove "backup" -key (virtual dual-BIOS feature)
/v - RAM-tweak for Pentium1/2/3 with VIA-based MB
/u - "ultrapack": packs 2Mbit/4Mbit-BIOS to 1Mbit (N/A - in development)
/x - display real frequency for AMD Athlon XP processors
Example: "bp 6130.bin /e"
"bp 6via86p.bin /p/c/k8.5/d"
/To add file for run in BIOS type: "bp patch_file in_BIOS.run"/
/This option have only registered version/
if you can`t see all messages - choose 80x50 mode or run with ">report.txt".
(c)2002-2003 apple_rom, www.ROM.by
Hello. I don't know a word russian but a found a copy of Bios patcher 4.51 (beta?) while looking on google.
I don't mean to pry in the development as you say it is not public beta right?
What I must ask though is, will there an Intel compatible version coming too and will there in the new bios patcher be support for the rumored 48bit addressing of harddrives?
Also, will you ever attempt to support 512kbit roms (64KB) or have any sort of workaround for them?
version now is 4.23; for correct working in the same directory with patcher must be cbrom v.2.07 only, lha and real codes, follow the instructions in manual (in the BP archive, english text included).
Hallo. BP v.4.51 is the Beta for AMD platform and for power testers only, if You are not the professional in BIOS creating/modding, do not use this version, please. The "official"
Features You asked (48-bit LBA and "ultra-packing"), AFAIK, will be realized in the new versions, but only authors (apple_rom and his team) knows when...
Some patient, please, and good luck!..
- Ситчик веселенький есть?..
- Приезжайте, обхохочетесь!..
Вот по поводу мультиплеера мне особенно понравилось
Thinking... [■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■□□□□□]75% completed...
OK thanks. The latest official version I had before was 4.1 (or 4.0rc7 or whatever it is called).
Still can't open my really old bios with 64KB but it still works wel for my newer bioses for BX motherboards.
If any of you have a little extra time to spare, have a look at my BIOS rom here sbeaver.no-ip.com:81/EXP_64.rar
It is 128KB but that's becuase Uniflash mode it that way.
You should be able to just fill the last half of the file with FF or just cut it off to make it a 64KB file again.
If anyone knows how to get this to work with a bios tool other than modbin, please let me know.
I'd like to add large HDD support.
The motherboard is called Dataexpert EXP4044, it's a socket 3 motherboard. more info is available in Total Hardware 1999.
Роман, не мог бы ты помочь человеку? Случай экзотический, у него 64KB BIOS, в который он хотел бы добавить поддержку больших дисков...
Файл прошивки находится по линку выше, он 128KB (пишет, что иначе Uniflash отказывается с прошивкой работать?), вторая половина забита FF-ками...
Добавлено позже: по линку уже выложена оригинальная прошивка (64KB)
), I think, maybe, if he will have enough time, he would not refuse himself from a "little joy"... 
Hallo! I've wrote a short message to apple_rom (this task is for him only, because Your BIOS is from "heavy hard" cases
- Ситчик веселенький есть?..
- Приезжайте, обхохочетесь!..
Thanks ivp
About the bios, it's now the real 64KB bios that I'm hosting becuase the FTP was a little messy before but now works again.
Not at all...

I've corrected my message to apple_rom with new size of BIOS file.
And now all depends on his (apple_rom) time and Your (SBeaver) luck...
- Ситчик веселенький есть?..
- Приезжайте, обхохочетесь!..
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