Psbook rearranges pages from a PostScript document into ``signatures'' for printing books or booklets, creating a
new PostScript file. The input PostScript file should follow the Adobe Document Structuring Conventions.
The -s option selects the size of signature which will be used. The signature size is the number of sides which
will be folded and bound together; the number given should be a multiple of four. The default is to use one sig-
nature for the whole file. Extra blank sides will be added if the file does not contain a multiple of four pages.
Psbook normally prints the page numbers of the pages rearranged; the -q option suppresses this.
Psnup puts multiple logical pages onto each physical sheet of paper. The input PostScript file should follow the
Adobe Document Structuring Conventions.
DanZer psutils + ghostscript - умеет делать то, что называют спуском полос. Напиши gui и все.
psbook - rearrange pages in PostScript file into signatures
psbook [ -q ] [ -ssignature ] [ infile [ outfile ] ]
Psbook rearranges pages from a PostScript document into ``signatures'' for printing books or booklets, creating a
new PostScript file. The input PostScript file should follow the Adobe Document Structuring Conventions.
The -s option selects the size of signature which will be used. The signature size is the number of sides which
will be folded and bound together; the number given should be a multiple of four. The default is to use one sig-
nature for the whole file. Extra blank sides will be added if the file does not contain a multiple of four pages.
Psbook normally prints the page numbers of the pages rearranged; the -q option suppresses this.
psnup - multiple pages per sheet
psnup [ -wwidth ] [ -hheight ] [ -ppaper ] [ -Wwidth ] [ -Hheight ] [ -Ppaper ] [ -l ] [ -r ] [ -f ] [ -c ] [
-mmargin ] [ -bborder ] [ -dlwidth ] [ -sscale ] [ -nup ] [ -q ] [ infile [ outfile ] ]
Psnup puts multiple logical pages onto each physical sheet of paper. The input PostScript file should follow the
Adobe Document Structuring Conventions.
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