Remark :
1) The hardware of PCB Ver-01 (Non-Prescott) is different from the hardware of PCB Ver-02 (Prescott-Ready). The BIOS for these different PCB Versions are NOT interchangeable. Please identify the exact hardware PCB Version before picking the BIOS to put to the motherboard. If the motherboard is of PCB Ver-01 (Non-Prescott), then must keep using the previous BIOS (Sept/2003).
2) For PCB Ver-02 (Prescott-Ready), the BIOS for the two Clock Gen ICs (RTM360, ICS95020) are NOT interchangeable. Please identify the exact Clock Gen IC before picking the BIOS to put to the motherboard.
3) PCB Version, Clock Gen IC, and BIOS ID cross reference :
PCB Ver-01 (with RTM360 Clock Gen IC): BIOS ID = 6a69vprw
PCB Ver-02 (with RTM360 Clock Gen IC): BIOS ID = 6a69vpr5
PCB Ver-02 (with ICS95020 Clock Gen IC) : BIOS ID = 6a69vpr8
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