Читать: intel.com/design/chipsets/applnots/25303601.pdf Там описано что суть есть Virtual Single Channel Mode и чем он отличается от обычного Single Channel и Dual Channel
.....If _both_ the channels are populated with uneven memory (DIMMs) see Figure 2, then the GMCH/MCH defaults to virtual single-channel mode....
.....The GMCH/MCH behaves _identically_ in both single-channel and virtual single-channel modes....
-ОК, но ето же INTEL а не VIA да еше к тому же :
.....If _both_ the channels are populated with uneven memory (DIMMs) see Figure 2, then the
GMCH/MCH defaults to virtual single-channel mode....
.....The GMCH/MCH behaves _identically_ in both single-channel and virtual single-channel modes....