Sorry but i dont understand any russian.
I have a QDI kinetiz7T with via KT133.
I want to upgrade with an athlon xp 2200+ or a newer barton or sempron one.
However it can only supports 100mhz fsb.
Will the new cpu be recognized with bios patcher?? And if i connect L5 bridges and make it a mobile one, can i select a high multiplier(like 20x) to get cpu's normal speed or even overclock it with bios pathcer?? It has an option for that, however the english traslation is outdated and the specific page doesnt even show in russian for me to translate it: rom.by/index091603_031204.html
I use version 4.51beta. Is that the most recent version?cause in the forum i saw that there is a version 6??
Whitch one should i use??
Thank you.
MisterX? Канешна можно - для хороших людей ничего не жалко... если бы твоя статья попалась мне на глаза пораньше, то я бы нехило сэкономил своё время
.....и тогда всё будет круто!!!
I didnt want to make the cpu mobile because of my linux partition. but i got SUCCESS!!!Finally after many hours of testing and messing around with the L bridges i got 17x112=1905Mhz(2300+) or 18x107=1926Mhz(2400+)!!!And STABLE!! I make some tests to see which mode is actually faster.
Unfortunately, my system refuses to boot with a higher multiplier, even 19x.I raised core voltage to 1.85V but still the same.(however now it shows me 1.7-1.75V in the bios...!)
Is that possible to boot at a higher multi with the mod u mentioned????????
However,I guess that the problem is that the core is thouroubred A, not B or barton.
Maybe with a not superlocked t-bred B or barton 2500+ (1833mhz), i could get an 24x100=2400Mhz (3400+??) or even a 24x112=2688Mhz(3700+????) !!!
Has anyone of u gone that far???????
However, it seems to me like a nice ugrade from a duron 700@970Mhz with just 60-70 Euros!!
Maybe if i make the cpu mobile(but still booting at 18x) i can get a vcore of 1.9-2.0 V and so more Mhz! What do u think??????
p.s. Do u know if new semprons can be trasformed into mobiles with the same trick??????
Any suggestions???????
And what's the problem? You CAN change mobile multiplier from Windows. This doesn't mean that you have to run only Windows and nothing else. It means that you can not change multiplier under another OS. Though, there may be programs for that purpose for Linux. If you find any - please, let me know.
Probably not. If it works without it - this trick is not needed.
Bull's eye.
Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows? There is a thing called "technology limit". It means that there is a limit for CPU core frequency, defined by technology it is based on. For Tbred-A it is about 1.9-2K of real MHz. My superlocked Tbred-B 2000+ (1662=12.5*133) hangs at 2300, whatever voltage I set to it, though it works just fine at 2241(13.5*166)@1.45V
So, you really think that if there was a possibility to make a 3700+ CPU, AMD could miss it? Heh, don't make me laugh...
You won't get voltage higher than 1.85V, because desktop mobos have no support for it. No Soft_VID circuits, no mobile voltage pinout tables. Nothing. Nada. Look at fab51 for more information on this topic.
Why not? They are nothing more than already oc'ed Tbreds-B with a new label. You can see this by their CPUId. So, think yourself, are they worth buying?
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i bought a sempron 2600+ for a friend of mine and the weird thing is that their L5 was C::C
According to fab this means that it is multiprossesing enabled?? Or just another AMD's trick to change the function of L5 like she did before with the superlocked cpus and L3??
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