I do not manage to modify the Bios of a Supermicro P6Dbe rev 3.0.
I have tried with the Bios patcher and it does not work.
I have tried with the Amibcp8 and he does not recognize the file of the bios after me, does not open it to me.
Some way of modifying this bios to update it?.
Thanks and Greetings
There is one trick:
Look at the offset 3E004. These is string "SUPER ROM". But now patcher detect type of BIOS by finding string "AMIBOOT ROM", so it doesn't find this string and think that BIOS is Award. Then patcher try to patch BIOS and writes error, because BIOS is "modded" AMI... But if you change "SUPER ROM" to "AMIBOOT ROM", you will be able to patch BIOS, but I can't gurantee that patched BIOS will work....
I succesfully opened your BIOS file with AMIBCP v. 7.00, 7.01 and 7.51.
AMIBCP 2.25 for Windows really can't open file
Аццкий ромбовод {:€
Я пока не волшебник - я только учусь! :-P
Amibcp7 really work to you bios
Либо нечему гореть, либо нечем поджечь!
Modified string "Super.rom" to "Amiboot.rom"
Apply Bios Patcher v6.10
BIOS Patcher ver. 6.00.alpha_10. |for Award/Phoenix & AMI bioses|
Attention! Advanced qualification is required!
Found 2Mbit AMI BIOS!
!! Module Manipulation Successful !!
!! Module Manipulation Successful !!
!! Module Manipulation Successful !!
!! Module Manipulation Successful !!
4. 32Gb-problem : -> fixed.
Tweak options addinng:
!! Module Manipulation Successful !!
!! Module Manipulation Successful !!
!! Module Manipulation Successful !!
if you can`t see all messages - choose 80x50 mode or run with ">report.txt".
(c)2002-2004 apple_rom, www.ROM.by
Did you test patched BIOS? Does it work normally?
Аццкий ромбовод {:€
Я пока не волшебник - я только учусь! :-P
Hello they have given bios me with all the activated menus here.
Soon I made the trick that you said me to that bios. Still I have not been able it to prove, because I have all the components here, but I need Sdram memory that to me this Monday brings.
If it does not work is no problem, because I have a Willem programmer, to program this type of flashes and also to program bios Plcc32.
Thanks and as soon as prove it. I say you the result.
It does not work.
I modified String Super.rom for Amiboot.rom in the softwawre 9.7J of the programmer Willem. Then I apply the patch. But finally on having tried, the bios does not work. The screen remains in black.
It can be that, on having modified the string Super.rom for Amiboot.rom with this software, not fix correctly the checksum and that's why I did not work, on having changed the content of the bios. Bp Patcher corrects automatically the checksum as I understand, but the software of the Willem that I have used to modify String Super.rom, surely that the checksum does not fix then for the realized changes.
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