There is one trick:
Look at the offset 3E004. These is string "SUPER ROM". But now patcher detect type of BIOS by finding string "AMIBOOT ROM", so it doesn't find this string and think that BIOS is Award. Then patcher try to patch BIOS and writes error, because BIOS is "modded" AMI... But if you change "SUPER ROM" to "AMIBOOT ROM", you will be able to patch BIOS, but I can't gurantee that patched BIOS will work....
I have tried with the Amibcp8 and he does not recognize the file of the bios after me, does not open it to me.
I succesfully opened your BIOS file with AMIBCP v. 7.00, 7.01 and 7.51.
AMIBCP 2.25 for Windows really can't open file I think that this programm is intended for manipulating with newer AMI format BIOSes
There is one trick:
Look at the offset 3E004. These is string "SUPER ROM". But now patcher detect type of BIOS by finding string "AMIBOOT ROM", so it doesn't find this string and think that BIOS is Award. Then patcher try to patch BIOS and writes error, because BIOS is "modded" AMI... But if you change "SUPER ROM" to "AMIBOOT ROM", you will be able to patch BIOS, but I can't gurantee that patched BIOS will work....
I succesfully opened your BIOS file with AMIBCP v. 7.00, 7.01 and 7.51.
AMIBCP 2.25 for Windows really can't open file